In the Media
Chantel Wonder: A Journey Through Diverse Legal Landscapes
Read Time: 1 minOf Counsel Chantel Wonder (Fort Lauderdale) was interviewed by Attorney At Law Magazine in “Chantel Wonder: A Journey Through Diverse Legal Landscapes.” She discussed her path to the legal profession, career evolutions and achievements, challenges facing the profession today, and more.
“Both the financial services and insurance industries have strong impacts on our economy and businesses. New issues always arise that could help or hurt businesses, and even though a small settlement in one case might not seem important, the aggregate effect on the business world is huge. The work is rewarding because, in the end, protecting financial and insurance companies supports our local businesses and economy. I become close to the clients and invested in the outcome for their sake during every case, and it is very rewarding to obtain a good result for them at the end of the case.”